Kevin Winkler
Senior Pastor

Pastor Kevin has been married to his wonderful and lovely wife Misty for over ten years. Kevin and Misty have a wonderful and blessed daughter.
Kevin Winkler, a native-born Texan, has been involved with ministry related service for many, many years now. He had been in full time ministry for 9 years, having served at two different churches. Pastor Kevin and Misty, founded Church Alive in 2009.
Having the hands-on experience serving in the ministry, first as a volunteer and then as paid pastoral staff, has helped him develop strong foundations. This is also coupled with being allowed to sit under the anointed leadership of some great men.
Pastor Kevin has a heart to see people be transformed into the "real deal." We are not interested in play church, but being the church and really loving our Jesus.
Kevin was enrolled in Global School of Ministry and has completed work in Doctrinal and Biblical Studies.